Have you bought stuff that you'd like to sell but no one will buy?
Stuff that won't even sell on eBay, but you KNOW is way valuable??
Or maybe a loan for a car that turns out to be crap and you can't afford lawsuits over?
Well those things are very much like the houses bought by sub-prime no money down loans given to people who were suckered in.
So http://buymyshitpile.com is building a SHITPILE for all your crap, and you're invited to add yours to it! They are up to almost 8 BILLION dollars so far... that's nothing compared to the money they want to shovel at banks, so why not join the line for handouts?
To quote the SHITPILE site:
With our economy in crisis, the US Government is scrambling to rescue our banks by purchasing their "distressed assets", i.e., assets that no one else wants to buy from them. We figured that instead of protesting this plan, we'd give regular Americans the same opportunity to sell their bad assets to the government. We need your help and you need the Government's help!
Works for me
- Jeff -
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