Saturday, December 06, 2008

what it was like & what is a narrative: OP-ED December 6, 2008 « Bill Ayers

1. what it was like in the 60's.  I spent some time wandering around in the Hyde Park area (and Roger's Park).  I wouldn't be surprised if my path crossed with Bill Ayers at one time or another.  Hey Hey LBJ!

2. Narrative:  that's what happens nowadays... create a story true or untrue doesn't matter.... spread it around enough and people believe it. "Tell a big enough lie often enough and people will believe it" (paraphrasing A. Hitler, there, I believe).  Also "Last Liar Laughs Longest" (a folk saying):  people have short attention span so the big liars always want to get the last word (a.k.a. "lie") in.   But it didn't work on Obama.  It will be so cool if Caroline Kennedy gets the New York senate seat.
   Narrative: string a bunch of stuff together & make a story out of it.  Or... stringing it together MAKES a story out of it. etc. 


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Friday, December 05, 2008

Boxee gets Netflix. [ and other services ]

Boxee works great.  I don't know if they are handing out licenses now... so if you may have to "sign up" to get Boxee... it took me about a week.

They are at the "alpha" stage,  but the latest alpha is useable, although the Netflix doesn't really work on the Mac yet... it's there,  but the watch-it-now list never fills out.

Hulu is fabulous.  They have nailed that.

All in all Boxee is a good way to watch tv.


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Wednesday, December 03, 2008

jeff says try Magic/Replace - FREE Spreadsheet Data Cleanup for Everyone from Dabble DB

this has got to be useful.  Many times I have had need of it.  Of course, not today :-(


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Monday, December 01, 2008

the largest bank failure in U.S. history

The CNN Wire: Latest updates on top stories Blog Archive - 9,200 Washington Mutual jobs cut « - Blogs from

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