Tuesday, September 30, 2008

CBS: Palin can't name one single newspaper or magazine that she has EVER read in her life

Americablog gives an interesting perspective to Couric's interview of Palin:

Apparently someone told Palin she should never answer any question.

I saw this interview on the evening news,  the more I thought about it the more bizarre it seemed.

I think Ms. Palin has some charisma, though;  I'm not sure that is a good thing because it can fool people into thinking there is actual fire there instead of just smoke.  Here is how I can tell that:  If you watch an interview with her she seems reasonable,  but when you read a transcript or listen to the same interview without the visual it becomes apparent that she spews a jumble of words that don't make any sense;  so her appeance and mannerisms tie things together (the smoke) when there is no actual content (no fire).