Saturday, November 03, 2007

Weekly World News R.I.P. :-(

SEE: for a really great entry detailing the history, story style, etc. 

On July 21st, 2007, parent company American Media announced that it would suspend publication of both the print and website version of Weekly World News, with the last issue being printed on August 3rd, after two weeks of 'reprint' issues (no new content).[1] Subsequent announcements instead gave August 27th as the last issue, and state that the online version will continue. [2] No reason was given for the decision; an editor with the paper said that "the reasons given don't make sense."[3]

see this and more at

online relationship training games... from The Power of Two

How about these for non-computer uses of computer?!       <- they have one free game here

And the same people have several here:

at first glance one would think the babyfit site is all about babies,  but the games are all about  building relationships between adults!


see this and more at

Thursday, November 01, 2007

NaNoWriMo Success: How to Write a Novel in 30 Days


Of course that means one actually has to DO something, which even
into day ONE I am having difficulty with.

The above links to an interesting blog post, but... reading blog
posts just puts off DOING....


Monday, October 29, 2007

Studs Terkel: The Wiretap This Time - New York Times

I think I may have heard Terkel's show one time. I'm such a country
boy. I remember it being great.

> Terkel's article today in the NYT:

It details his life history and his current lawsuit against illegal
wiretapping by the US Government.

Terkel was a winner of the Elijah P. Lovejoy Award:

> Interesting reading all by itself. I have always wondered if the
> reputation of Alton Illinois as being a hideout for gangsters came
> from Lovejoy's assassination there. (this was common knowledge to
> my family when I was a child. Not sure why we even knew about it.)

Wikipedia entry on Studs Terkel:


Official Studs Terkel website:


He was born in 1912 and is still going strong