Saturday, February 16, 2008

good article about back pain & dance at The Hip Circle

Great explanation of the pain I have experienced and exercises to
alleviate it.

Plus a good bibliography.

And an interesting gateway into the world of bellydance! Something I've
always appreciated.

alleviating or preventing The Side Stitch

Preventing a Side Stitch
To prevent a side stitch, take even, deep breaths while running. Shallow breathing tends to increase the risk of cramping because the diaphragm is always slightly raised and never lowers far enough to allow the ligaments to relax. When this happens the diaphragm becomes stressed and a spasm or "stitch" is more likely.

Some other ways to alleviate the pain of a side stitch include:

  • Time your eating. Having food in your stomach during a workout may increase cramping by creating more force on the ligaments (avoid eating one to two hours before a workout)
  • Stretching may prevent or relieve a cramp. Raise your right arm straight up and lean toward the left. Hold for 30 seconds, release, then stretch the other side.
  • Slow down your pace until pain lessens.
  • Breathe deep to stretch the diaphragm.
  • Drink before exercise; dehydration can increase muscle cramps.
  • Massage or press on the area with pain. Bend forward to stretch the diaphragm and ease the pain.
  • * If you continue to experience pain, see your doctor.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

how to videos 5min - Life Videopedia

great concept... a communal "how to" video site. Based on the idea
that everyone knows something.

as they say on the site... grab your camera & make a contribution.
All videos less than five minutes.


Mailbox Crash


"They got him" said Randy the Policeman. It seems he left his
license plate at one of the many places where he ran down mailboxes
and street signs.

The actual culprit hasn't been found, but they know who he is. The
culprit's mom says "we need the tools out of the truck", but the
police have the truck locked up.

I guess it must have been fun, pushing over things, but I wonder
how bad the hangover will be, if there is one.

Neighbor & I propped our mailboxes up alongside garbage cans, tied
up with straps & in my case the magic fix-all of modern times the
bungee cord.

- jeff -

Sunday, February 10, 2008 ... Four Days Old And Counting: The world is watching at Y! Live Blog

That's their blog entry that explains what it is and gives you links to
the "how-to" entries...

See it in action at

This even works on my old old iBook! (Ok, it hiccups frequently, but
it doesn't freeze the computer)

So for the people at Whole Wheat Radio... you could put some of your
shows LIVE on the internet, or so the theory goes. Or you can take your
live internet somewhere and stream live from the audience. Might be
able to do it from the right cell phone.

Lots of potential.

And it just went public on Feb 06, 2008.

Welcome to the future.

- Jeff -

& p.s. ... looks like Yahoo is going to fight the MS takeover tooth &
nail per the WSJ.