Saturday, January 26, 2008

fyi... Etsy :: Your place to buy and sell all things handmade

Found this indirectly through !

It would be interesting to see what kind of sales people get;
perhaps in the future when my digging takes me that direction.

- jeff -

a love song, for example: A Million times by Lapotu | iCompositions - Music

A Million times
by Lapotu and jalanix

I'm not really in to love song songs. But at a moment i realized that in everything i do, in who i am, there is only one person who made that happen, my wife. She is there to back me up, understands me, loves me for who i am. So i though lets try to make a real love song for her.

Listen to that song... then think there are probably 30,000 or so songs on !  All available for the listening.  AND(/OR)... if you are some kind of musician that does computers you can put up your own creations.

While these musical creations are free,  they also have a variety of restrictions.  Which hopefully keeps people from grabbing songs, creating a cd, and selling it.

The permissions are stated on the page for the work in question.


 ==   jeff

Friday, January 25, 2008

interesting free music site: iCompositions

It's a community of artists (so to speak)

People of various talent creating and tinkering with songs.

I'm still trying to figure out a way to get these to randomly
download & play through iTunes.

No problem to download... just haven't automated it yet.



Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Dear Bill Clinton - Shut Up.

And Bill, you're starting to make stuff up. And this time, we're noticing. It's a new era, Bill; everything you say is recorded and broadcast.

So what we're asking, Bill, is that you just shut up.