Saturday, November 17, 2007

Here's yr happy banjo music: lest you forgot steve martin's banjo skills

If you let the video play to the end, there appears at the bottom of
the youtube window a scrolling list of 17 Steve Martin banjo vids!

Plus, Never Ever forget that Ze Frank himself is one of the coolest
characters on the internet, so dig around his site too.


Friday, November 16, 2007

interesting writer blog... "Write now is good.": National Novel Writing Month etc

For NaNoWriMo notes:


(nanowrimo: National Novel Writing Month: )

For General writing notes:

I know you don't need me to figure out the second url from the
first, but... so it goes!

I just thought we could use a source of tidbits about writing without
the depressing soul searching we see in some places.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Andersen Patio Door Latch: ACE Hardware wins again!

No kidding. They actually had the exact replacement for my Andersen
Patio Door latch. Plus they said it was covered under warrantee.

Saved me some actual dollars.

I would have thought that after all the times ACE Hardware had save
my butt with other repair jobs, that I would have gone there first,
but NO... I looked things up on google and found one reference to
someone who found what they needed at Lowes.

So I wasted a trip to Lowes. They had only ONE latch... a generic
model that was just kind of mixed in with other stuff, and it would
obviously not work.

I guess I just like whining.

Now it's fixed.

One of two fix-it jobs I got done this morning.
