Saturday, January 19, 2008

My email to Barrack Obama re retroactive immunity & FISA

Dear Sir,

 It has been brought to my attention that the FISA bill will be an issue again starting next week.

  Why I say this is an ethics issue is that there have been attempts to give retroactive immunity to telecommunications companies for involvement in illegal wiretapping activities.  This boggles my mind... seriously, its almost an admission that someone knows they were complicit in illegal activites.

  It would be great with me if you managed to just kill FISA completely;  our spy agencies can already make all the wiretaps they need... they don't need to read all communications in the US.  I know there are arguments "for",  but there are arguments "for" torture, and I don't want to see our country become the epitome of Big Brother.

  So... please please please at a minimum STOP the retroactive immunity in any FISA bils, and better STOP the whole trend toward this place becoming a police state.

  Thank You

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Guide to Cutting Back When You Feel Overwhelmed | Zen Habits

The Effects of Stress and Overload
We all know that too much stress is bad for us. Sure, you can't avoid stress completely, and without some stress we would never grow. But too much stress? It leads to problems.

Stress leads to many health problems, for example: headaches, muscle aches in your shoulders, neck, back … it ages you prematurely, leads to ulcers, heartburn, high blood pressure, heart disease, overeating and more. Not a pretty picture.

essence is to cut back, monitor activities,  and plan.