Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The iPhone, The iPod Touch, and Electronic Books of the Future

For years I have been trying to find a way to read ebooks and actually enjoy reading them.

It occurred to me a couple days ago that the iPod Touch and the iPhone are hints of the future.

What started me thinking on that was seeing people flipping album covers just dragging their finger across the iPod Touch in the Cover Flow view.

The touch action was very much like the way I flip pages in a book or magazine.

So... imagine that you have a iBook Touch 12 inches wide & 9 inches tall (nothing magic about those particular numbers). Imagine it has display density of 200 dots per inch, which is what the iPod Nano has.

Further, imagine that when you turn it on you see an image of a book... possibly the one you have been reading, open to a particular page... you see a two page view. It is a psuedo 3D image. You can drag with your finger to flip pages.

Drag across the "edge" of the book to rapidly zoom back and forth through the book, just like you do with a real book.

The 200 DPI image makes it easy to read. The fast processor flips pages rapidly.

You have a catalog of all your eBooks. I imagine it being like a visit to a library.

I'm ready.

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